con El en las alturas

Project Description

Con El en Las Alturas “With him in the heights” demonstrates what it means to be part of a spiritual universe. By emphasizing “El” meaning “He” the audience can capture the impact that this mighty spirit has above everyone else. The various clouds depict that the sky’s the limit.


1. The front cover had to show how a habitable space would look like if it were up in the sky.
2. To reduce the number of pages from the book as much as possible to make it budget friendly.


1. To make a scenery that would resemble a habitable space in the sky, inspiration was taken from the movie “The Avatar”. The process to make this effect was by rotoscoping out a mountain and turning it upside down. To make it more believable and for composition purposes, some rocks were added to the top surface and grass was cloned around it.
2. In order to make it as budget friendly as possible, a number of pages had to be reduced. To reduce the amount pages and to keep a well-organized layout Adobe InDesign was used with its Paragraph Styles and Character Styles.

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Tea Forte Packaging